Featured Speech Presentation

The Case for Optimism in the 21st Century

The world is growing more complex and more competitive at a faster rate than ever before. This means greater access, opportunity, and better life for more people in more places. However, progress can also come at a price—confusion, stress, and isolation for many. Every day, most of us are bombarded with a myriad of issues and challenges that require quick, effective decision making. The problem is that most of us are unprepared to make such decisions and poor decisions can breed failure, inefficiency, conflict and mistrust, at home, at work, and in education.

In our presentation, The Case for Optimism in the 21st Century, we share a vision of hope, optimism, and lasting progress.

Based on the best-selling book, Univetica: Compelling Change , this presentation provides powerful and practical insights into Humanity 2.0 and how each of us can optimize our individual and collective impact in any team or organization.

Participants will:
  • Gain priceless insight into what drives success in the 21st century
  • Learn how to recognize the cycle of abundance in any situation
  • Learn how to attract and retain strong team members
  • Understand the most common myths about competition, scarcity, productivity, life, and balance

This engaging presentation is of value to any business, non-profit, or educational group interested in fostering innovation, increasing productivity, and stimulating progress. Executives, department managers, sales and service professionals, instructors, and product developers discover rare secrets to building stronger teams and optimizing individual as well as collective resources.

Email us to schedule The Case for Optimism in the 21st Century speech presentation.